Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Compartment snack ideas by Muffin Tin Mom

If you have a picky eater like I do, sometimes you have to get creative with your snack and meal presentation. That's where this blog I'm about to tell you comes in. I have loved checking this blog, Muffin Tin Mom for a long time for snack inspiration. Not only is it fun for the kids to have snacks served in muffin tins or in trays with compartments, but it's also fun for us who serve the snacks. It gives me a chance to be creative and do something different from time to time. I also love having a theme to build on and using that thought with snacks can be helpful when I've run out of ideas for getting my daughter to try new things.

Here is a super cute and yummy Halloween muffin tin meal.

or how about the adorable apple theme? Too cute!

Both of the above images are from the Muffin Tin Mom's blog. Check it out and be ready for fun ideas!!

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