Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Haunted Halloween Playhouse

We're having so much fun this year decorating for Halloween! We have a bonfire every year and this year, now that our kids are getting a little older, they're very excited about it. Last year we purchased an adorable playhouse for them in November. By the way, October and November are great times to purchase big display items like these because they're discounted. The playhouse is a lot fun and I'd like  to paint the inside, but haven't made time for that yet. Even though it's not painted, I still think it's cool! I really enjoyed decorating it for Halloween! Oh yeah, the kids enjoyed it, too! ; )

So, here's our Haunted playhouse!! Don't be too scared!

If you notice the polka-dotted trim in the pic below, I used bulletin board trim I purchased at the Dollar Tree. I used the blank side to color orange, purple and black polka dots with markers and attached with a stapler. I thought the polka dots kind of soften up the scary-ness of it all! : ) 

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea. Where did you find a playhouse like this?
