Friday, October 28, 2011

Room Mom Journal - Halloween gifts for the teachers

My favorite part about any holiday is making gifts! I thought I would share the gifts I gave to our teachers this year. Since Halloween isn't a big gift-giving holiday per se, I still like to make a nice gesture to show I appreciate them!

The theme for Kindergarten was the Five Little Pumpkins, so I thought putting 5 candy pumpkins in a snack bag with a label designed to include the poem would be a cute idea. I designed the label, printed, cut out and folded over the bag, then stapled. 

I added the snack bags with some other items and put them in these cute tin buckets I bought at Target's dollar section. I just love the spiders -- not in real life, but these are too cute!! 

Other items included were a Hershey bar, spider ring that I later added a note to and rolled up to put in the ring. Then, I put together a tissue pack, a small bottle of anti-bac from Bath and Body Works in a bag and designed a "germs are scary" label to put on it to kind of tie together the Halloween theme. 

In this picture below you can see the note I rolled up and put in the spider ring. The notes say "Thank you for making school not so scary!" and I signed my kids names to them. 

Here are all the tin buckets ready to go to school with me. I had so much fun handing them out! I gave one to my daughter's teacher and room aide. I also gave one to my son's teacher, the Principal and the principal's secretary. 

Now that they all know how I love putting things together, I got a call this morning from the secretary asking me to help put together some sort of flowers for our special program coming up to show our appreciation for our veterans. I can't wait to be a part of it!! I'm going in today to pick up the supplies! 

Happy Friday!

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