Friday, December 23, 2011

Recycled Gingerbread Crayons

I usually like to come up with a special treat for kids to take home after a class party. This year, my kids helped me make these recycled gingerbread crayons. We peeled the paper off of a million many broken crayons that I have saved for years months. We broke the crayons into pieces as small as we could get them and filled the molds. Then placed in oven at 325 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Nice and toasty:

Then, they look like this when you take them out. If you're using one of the silicone baking molds like I did, be sure to place it on a tray for stability when taking it out of the oven.

Let cool for about an hour or longer. Than, I had the kids use glue dots to glue them onto little sheets of paper next to a poem that I made up. I printed 6 per page and then cut out:

We placed them in baggies with a candy cane. 

Run, run as fast you can 
to your new home 
little gingerbread man!

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