Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shadow box memories

Just wanted to add a quick post about a project I just completed. I saved a few favorite clothing items that my children wore when they were babies. They're just sitting in a tote in our basement with a sign on them "baby clothes." My hope is that when my children are grown, they will be able to see a few of my favorite items that they used to wear. But it occurred to me that I'd like to see some of those items more frequently to reflect on my children's small size when I can't believe how quickly time flies and realize they won't be little forever. It's a bittersweet feeling; mainly because I'm so blessed they are growing like they should but also because once in a while it would be comforting to flip a switch and be able to hold them when they were tiny again.

Since it's not possible to flip a switch and make them babies whenever I'd like (is that weird to say?), I decided to frame a few of their baby items so I can have them closer to me as well as add a little texture to our photo wall.

So for you mommies out there: don't throw away those first pair of jeans! They'll look great in a shadow box! Hopefully you'll get a picture of them wearing them as well.

First jeans

First pair of shoes

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