Monday, January 30, 2012

Box Tops for Education

Being a SAHM, I really want to be involved as much as possible  -- even if I worked, I would be. Anyway, I have volunteered to help out the PTO (parent teacher organization). I signed up to help count the box tops donations.

So, this is what I did this morning:

I picked up the Box Tops donations at school:

Laid them out on the floor with my notebook for keeping track for the contest our school has going on; also a pen and scissors:

Here's my recycling bag with all the clippings from trimming the box tops:

I had no idea how many people just tear out the box tops and don't trim them -- but, hey, I'm not complaining. I'm super happy they take the time to take them off, put them in baggies and send to school with their kiddos. So, keep up the good work!

Occasionally, we'll get the Campbells soup labels. We're not collecting them this year because of the low response, so the ones we do get, we take to a local preschool. I have to say, though, I think we're getting more and more. The PTO may want to rethink that one, but it is nice to help out the other school.

So parents, if your school takes Box Tops, please save them and participate! They really do add up! I think they're worth 10 cents each. If you look at each one like it's a dime, then it'll be easier to clip and save!

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