Monday, January 9, 2012

Searching for Valentine's ideas

First of all, Happy 2012 everyone! I've taken some time this past week to take down Christmas decorations and do a little "spring" cleaning early. I can't believe how much dust is left behind once the Christmas trees and other Christmas decorations are put away. Does anyone else have that problem? I love putting up decorations and I always think I want them to stay up forever, but something inevitable happens -- the holiday becomes the past and I'm always ready to take the decorations down. The house seems bare, but less cluttered. It's funny how it doesn't seem cluttered when it's up! Anyway, now the the house is sort of back in order, my next focus is onto Valentine's Day!

I want to come up with a special dinner or treats for my kids. My husband will be working that night, so we'll have to celebrate another day. I'm also wanting to come up with some fun ideas for my daughter's classroom party!

Yes!! It's time to plan another party! So happy about that because life, to me anyway, is boring when there's no party to plan or look forward to. I'd love to make it grand! Just ridiculously beautiful with pinks and reds and whites, but that's just not reasonable. So, I'll think of something doable and fun for the kids and still make it fun!

I also will be thinking about gifts for the teachers. Last year, I gave out these mini chocolates I wrapped with custom made wrappers (by yours truly) and put in cute little red pails. I will probably do that again this year. I also gave the kids bus driver  a regular sized Hershey bar with this saying: "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, We get to school safely because of you" -- another saying I came up with by myself (just like the recylced crayon poem). I like to pat myself on the back when I come up with something original. : ) It's hard to do with so many creative people out there!!

I also made these cupcakes for my daughter's class last year. That's supposed to be a heart in the middle. 

It'll be fun come up with something for this year! Stay tuned! Any ideas? Please leave a comment and, of course, I'll be checking out Pinterest!

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