Monday, April 30, 2012

My Etsy Shop

I don't think I've mentioned that I have a shop on Etsy....well, I do! I've had it for about 2 years now. I first started selling hair clippies and now I've kind of moved on to other things. I may add hair clippies again in the near future, but for now I'm enjoying designing party printables. I took a vacation from my shop for about 6 months to focus on my family and then one day, after buying an outfit for my daughter to wear to school for Valentine's Day (which I do remember listing here Valentine's tee post) I decided to make my son an iron-on Lego man saying 'Happy Valentine's Day'. I thought, 'you know, others might want an inexpensive way to customize for a special occasion, too.' So, I started selling designs to iron-on at home. If someone decides at the last minute and they have a t-shirt to iron onto, they can purchase a design and get it e-mailed to them within 24 hours -- faster than ordering a custom-made shirt and waiting for it to be mailed. The print quality may not be as good and by that I mean it will only last about 3 or 4 washings, but if it's something that they only need to wear once like for their birthday party or Valentine's Day, etc., then I feel the iron-ons are a good option.

Getting on to my point -- the other day someone ordered an iron-on for their 1-year-old's birthday party. They asked if I do water bottle labels, too. I can, but never have...until now! So, I'm adding those to my shop as well. Right now I only have Lego designs -- my own original designs, not copied from Lego company or anything like that. I need to add my princess designs and bug designs, but I just haven't gotten around to that yet. In the meantime, here are a couple pics of what I'm offering now:

My most recent order was for a little girl's b-day party. She's turning one and the family wanted to have a theme that all the cousins and siblings could enjoy, too. Legos are perfect for that!
 My customer wanted tags to iron onto the back of their shirts. I love when customers have great ideas! I never thought of that, but since I designed them, I will go ahead and add them to my shop as well! 

Here's a picture of the water bottle label. I think it turned out pretty cute! 

If you'd like to check out my shop, please go to The Grasshopper's Knee! : )

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