Tuesday, January 1, 2013

6th Birthday Girl Bug Party

Wow! And Happy New Year!!! I hope 2013 is the best yet for everyone!

It has been a long time since I posted on this blog. Life just kind of took over! I'll rewind and share a few of the projects.

First thing I want to share is my daughter's 6th birthday. She loves bugs and I wanted to make it look girly, so to cut the details short, here are the pics!!'

 Here are the invitations. I bought plastic bugs at the $ Tree and spray painted them pink

Small bug catchers for favors filled with bug party blowers, ladybug tattoos and ladybug chocolates. I designed the labels to add to the front of the bug catchers to thank friends for coming to her party:

Another pic of the favors. I hung strips of crepe paper from the kitchen cabinets for a backdrop:

 Saw this idea on pinterest to use 2 plastic table covers. I liked the look of tying the top layer:

I designed labels for the water bottles: 

I opted for a short cut and ordered cupcakes from our local grocery (Meijer). I added my tags with lollipop sticks: 

I also designed a t-shirt iron-on to pull it all together! 

I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at my daughter's party. I had fun putting it together and she had a great time as well! : ) 

There are more projects to share, so stay tuned...

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