Friday, April 12, 2013

Easter Gifts for Teacher, Staff and Students

For Easter this year, we gave our teachers and staff candy. My kids also gave treats to their classmates. We tried to make it look pretty.

Here's what we gave their classmates -- Peeps on a stick. I saw a similar version of this on Pinterest, but with four peeps instead of just one. I thought four would be way too many to provide to almost 50 students between their two classes, so we just did one per stick. I think they turned out pretty cute! I even had a staff member ask to take a picture of them. Too funny! : ) 

Here's what we gave the teachers and staff. I used pretzel treat bags and cut scrapbook paper to size. I used the scrapbook paper as a background for the candy. Once everything was put in the treat bag, I folded the top down, punched two holes and used ribbon to attach a tag. In retrospect, I wish I would have used maybe Snickers eggs because their wrappers were blue. These Reese's (although extremely yummy) just weren't that pretty for for display. It's the thought that counts! : )

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