Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bookworm birthday party

A couple months ago, it was my daughter's 5th birthday. She loves books so I decided to have a bookworm party.

Here are a few ideas for those who may be thinking about it.

For taking home favors, I used small totes from Hobby Lobby that come in packs of 4. These were the "reading totes." I designed labels and attached them with ribbon. I displayed them on a bookshelf with a couple of vintage children's books. Inside the bags were my daughter's favorite candy bars with personalized wrappers I designed and printed; a worm or other bug wind-up toy; a sticky hand (my kids love those things); and a book.

I designed the invites myself for e-mail, but I also mailed some I made by hand. They turned out really cute. I need to find a picture to show you -- if I get a picture, I'll have to add it later, but you can at least see the one I e-mailed.

We had bookworm cupcakes made from a local cupcake shop. I took my bookworm design and they matched it on the cupcakes!! The cake and cupcakes balanced each other out and my daughter was happy with everything. Mission accomplished!

I also designed my daughter's t-shirt. I came up with the bookworm on a stack of books design, printed onto iron-on transfer paper (found at Hobby Lobby or any other craft store, I'm sure) and it was very easy to transform her white t-shirt!

By the way, our colors were orange, blue, green, pink and brown.

Here are the pics! Ok, so I'm not Amy Atlas, but I do what I can. Anyway, I hope you like the pictures and the idea!

What's inside the favor totes:

Personalized candy bar wrappers

The display with sad-looking cake -- it's supposed to look like a book

adorable cupcakes

mommy-made t-shirt

Invitations. I blacked out all personal information.  I even marked over my daughter's sweet face to protect her privacy. It's not so cute now, but hopefully you'll get the idea. 

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