Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Room Mom Journal - an assignment for me : )

This is my first year being a room mom. I have wanted to be a room mom pretty much since the day my children were born. Get a life you say? Maybe, but I'm loving it! My first assignment was to help my daughter's kindergarten teacher make a memory file. She gives out a memory book to each child at the end of each school year. I helped her with the design, but decided to go a step further and create an actual file box for her -- a place for her to update each page of the memory book for each child and file them. I will help her assemble at the end of the year, but wanted her to have a nice spot to keep everything.

Here's the memory file box. Hope you like it! Crates can be used for so many things! And bows, well, they just make everything look much prettier! : ) I also used school colors to decorate the "file box." I found a wooden apple at Hobby Lobby and attached with hot glue. I hope it stays for the rest of the year!

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