Monday, November 28, 2011

My son's 7th birthday party

I shared the ideas I came up with for my daughter's 5th birthday, so I thought I'd better not leave out the details of my son's 7th birthday! I didn't plan anything crazy, but just wanted to share with you some pics of what it looked like.

To the left of the big 7 is a shadow box frame that I used to display his first pair of jeans along with a picture of him wearing the jeans when he was only 2 months old. 

I ordered the cake from Meijer this year. I was pretty happy with how it turned out. We didn't really have a theme, so I thought we would use the #7.

My son loves to draw (I'm sure most kids do) but, again without a theme is was hard to come  up with ideas that would flow. Since it was all about him anyway, I decided to put favors together related to art. I got the Drawing pad, which I loved the cover, at The Dollar Tree and the same for the pad of construction paper and caddy. I didn't get the crayons there. There are just some things you can't skimp on and good crayons is one of them! 

I made the tags with the 7 that I used on his invitations. 

Here are the favors we sent home with his classmates at his school party. I made round stickers and put seven pieces of his favorite candies in treat bags. 

For his school party I made these cupcakes with the #7. You probably have noticed I am not a real cake decorator, I only wish I could be. The kids ate them up, though! : ) I had to make sure the mix and icing was made where peanuts are processed b/c of a peanut allergy.

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