Monday, November 28, 2011

No followers yet : (

I really haven't had my blog up and running for very long. I hope to add much more interesting and helpful content in the future, but I see that I have quite a bit of traffic here and that makes me giddy! So if you're peeking at the content, don't be shy!! Become a follower! If you've always wanted to be first at something, here's your chance. I see "Be the first" under followers at the top right. Go ahead! Whatcha waitin' for? : )

Here are some ideas I'll be sharing:

Spongebob cupcakes I made for my son's 5th birthday (two years ago)! What? You don't think they look like Spongebob? Well, after making 24 of them, everything started to look like Spongebob! 

I'll also share gift ideas like clipboard gifts I've made for teachers.

This is just one of the few that I've made. 

Room Mom Journal is where I share with you my journey as a room parent (school volunteer, school classroom party organizer, etc.). 

Thanksgiving party craft:

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