Sunday, December 11, 2011

All decorated for Christmas!

There's just something so warm and cozy about Christmas lights and being surrounded by items that have been in storage for almost a year! lol! It really is so much fun to drag out all the decorations that we put away last year and almost forgot all about until a few days ago!

I can't believe Christmas is only 2 weeks away! Where did the time go? I want the anticipation to last much longer than that!  My children are at the best ages! I want to extend the Christmas spirit as long as possible and savor all these special moments of family plans and togetherness as long as I can.

Something that I think will help me savor or at least remember is Ali Edwards' December Daily. I'm going to try so hard to do this. Making my list of things to include and taking the pictures is easy for me -- I just need to follow through with printing pictures and putting it all together. For story ideas and inspiration check this out Ali Edwards December Daily 2011. I get so inspired seeing people who really have their acts together. I spend so much of my free time acquiring inspiration that I'm so overwhelmed with the thought of picking just one thing to do and actually do it. BUT, I must do this. These special times are just too precious!

Picture from

I'll leave you with a picture of one of our favorite ornaments. By the way, dolly has a couple "boo boos" that my daughter just had to take care of (notice the Scooby-doo bandages). I have the Rudolph characters hanging on a tree in the kids play/studyroom. It's a very skinny, happy tree!

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