Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shoe organizer or a hat and glove organizer?

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time keeping track of hats and gloves. I try to keep them in a basket on a shelf in our hallway closet, but it gets full and the gloves are no longer pairs and the hats are no longer with their sets.

So after seeing this idea somewhere (sorry, I can't remember where at the moment), I decided to try it out and man, does it work!!!

I thought I'd share the idea with you as well just in case you're in the same boat I was. I purchased this shoe organizer at Walmart for like $5!! Just hang on the inside of the closet door and instant organization! I love it!

I'm also using the same idea to organize my daughter's Beanie Babies in her room. One idea but many uses!!

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