Saturday, February 18, 2012

Keeping little treasures

Do your children give you scraps of paper where they've written "I love you" or have drawn sweet pictures? And you don't know what to do with them because you can't keep everything their little fingers have touched? Well, mine do, and if yours do the same, then maybe this post will help you.

I'm a fan of Smash books - I have three I purchased recently, but I actually started one of my own using the same concept, but with a regular journal instead of one with the offical "Smash" name.

I found this journal at TJ Maxx, but you can find them just about anywhere! The concept is simple. Just "smash" the item in the book using staples, glue stick, etc. I like it because I don't feel I have to go to my craft room and scrapbook an entire page for every tiny, little, beautiful item my kids make for me. I also like it because it is completely informal, but I can added embellishments if I'd like or not ,and I've saved a valuable piece of paper.

I might add that I do get giddy whenever they make something for me. I don't want to sound like it's a nuisance that I have to find a place to put it, because that's not the case. However, it's a common thing among households with children so I wanted to share.

I keep my little treasure journal, as I call it, on the kitchen counter in a basket. That way it is completely accessible at pretty much any given time.

Since I use it so often, my kids have started their own "smash" books and they feel proud when they see me put their little handy work in mine.

Like I said, it's not formal, but it still holds my treasures in one location for safekeeping and I like that!

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