Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentine's Day recap

My first parties planned for Valentine's Day as a room mom are now over. I really looked forward to them. A lot of planning for a 45 minute party, but really worth it. In the previous post I talked about the photo booth and other stations we put together for my daughter's Kindergarten class and how we also used the photo booth for my son's first grade party. But, I didn't get to show you the gifts I made. Maybe these will be helpful to you.

I designed a few candy bar wrappers for King-size Hershey bars. I gave one each to the school secretary, principal, bus driver and my children's teachers. Here is what they looked like:

I found the adorable image of the vintage kids in the car here:

I also made treats for our reading helper, nurse and librarian. I put them in little buckets that I found at Target in the $ section and added a handmade tag:

I made the treats, wrapped them in treat bags and secured them with a pink pipe cleaner that I shaped into a heart: 

I found the treat recipe here Tasty Kitchen. I used round pretzels instead, but everything else is the same.

Here are pics of my children's Valentine's Day boxes for school: 

My son is really into Legos right now, so we made a lego brick out of a box and those small, plastic condiments containers. We put the lids on the containers so they would attach easier. I spray painted the entire box. It was pretty easy to make!

My daughter wanted a robot. We wrapped two different sized boxes and wrapped them with pink wrapping paper. We also wrapped toilet paper rolls as well. We added pipe cleaners for the arms and she decorated the rest. It was a lot of fun!

Well, that's it for Valentine's Day 2012. Now, I'm back to working on my family's history album, plans for St. Patrick's Day and more! 
: )

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