Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day Parties

This year, I had a lot of fun planning the Valentine's Day party for my daughter. After researching many ideas, I decided to come up with a photo booth station and an "I-Love-You" hand station. Two other stations included one for snacks and another for reading Valentines. The other volunteers were awesome and always good sports when it comes to my somewhat over-thought out ideas.

For the photo booth station, another Mom brought coloring pages in so the ones waiting to have their picture taken could color and keep busy. It worked out great. The kids really liked getting in the cardboard box!

I used an old patio furniture shipping box that my kids had used for a while. It was rather beat up, but I was able to salvage it for the booth. My husband was also a good sport and wanted to help me cut the box the way I needed it. I had him cut off the bottom and top, as well as the back panel. Then, I asked him to cut out a square in the front where the kids will be looking out for the picture.

Once it was cut, I spray painted it white, let it dry and added heart cut-outs that I cut using my Slice. I also added trim, which was just bulletin board trim I bought at the $ Tree. I used the back part, which is white, and decorated it with hearts I drew on with a red Sharpie.

My son's class party was right after my daughter's and I used the booth there as well. The parents also wanted a picture in the booth with their child. It turned out to be a real hit!! I'd definitely recommend it for your class parties in the future! I know I'll use it again. I didn't draw directly on the cardboard so all the decorations I used can be removed and replaced with other designs.

Here I am with my son in the photo booth:

The other station I came up with was the "I-love-you-hand" station. We showed the children the sign for I love you in sign language, then had them trace their hands, cut them out, decorate them, and finally bend the middle two fingers down for the I-love-you sign. I don't have any pictures, but it turned out very cute! 

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