Friday, April 27, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week - Day 4


We chose to make Day 4 a letter day. I bought the first letter of their last names at Hobby Lobby. I put purple and yellow pom poms (our school colors) on my daughter's teacher's letter. I wrapped my son's teacher's letter in the blue yarn to match the vase we gave her on the previous day -- I didn't use our school colors for hers because she is leaving at the end of the year : (

I just added ribbon on the back for hanging. I attached a tag that I had the kids sign and that was that!

I got the inspiration for this idea here: Land of Nod I saw them and thought, 'hey, I can do that! What a great idea!' I love getting their catalog and looking at their website -- so many cool and inspiring ideas and things to buy!! 

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