Friday, April 27, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week - Day 5

Ok, so now that I've caught you up on the first four days of the week, I'll finish with day 5 on time.


I decided to do a paper bag book. I've never made one before, but I've seen them a couple of time. For each one, I took four paper lunch sacks, folded them in half, then stapled the binding. This leaves four little pockets to put things in. I chose to have my kids decorate little pages to put in there. I cut them leaving a tab for pulling out of the pocket.

We also gave the teachers the scrapbook that we collected pages for from the students. They were returned to me in an envelope and I asked the teachers not to peek! ; )

Here are the "scrapbooks" I made using rings to hold them together. The rings serve two purposes: it's easy to put together and it's also easy to add pages if we get more:
I embellished the cover page slightly without overdoing it:

This one was for my son's teacher:

 Here are the paper bag books we made. I covered the staples with a strip of scrapbook paper. 

My son wrote "pull" on the tabs for his teacher's gift:

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